Thursday, May 14, 2009


No one will hurt somebody forever. No one will and no one should.

But when this is actually happening, the same person hurting you again and again the same way, is probably a good time to think about yourself.

The cause maybe is you, not that somebody else.

Is easy to say forgive and forget, but when it comes to someone that has been hurting you the same way again and again, watch out the battered syndrome.

Because we all thought, we have control in a bad situation, we all thought the world is spinning around us, we all thought we can change thing to the way we want.

I can't stand the centrism,but I can't deny that is true. Because most of us forget, to get what you want, you don't get it, you don't go after it, you have to attract it.

Hurt won't go away if you continue to attract them come to you. You need to cut that line of attraction.

And again, is always easy to say.

1 comment:

jitpunkia said...

dont worry sa, i still love ya